Thursday, 30 August 2012

Why brands rely more on online advertising to offline world.

It entirely depends on the Brand to make audience shock, humour, and inject fear or Impart knowledge. It depends on the Advertisers to conceptualize adverts that have the capability to generate awareness.
 Intention of an advert is to create awareness, think about the product and get involved with the brand rapidly or slowly. Advertising increase the impact and reach. Adverts were seen on televisions, listened  on radios and watched on newspapers during early 80’s but when internet erupted as a serious medium people started to endorse and advertise their brands on web. In the early 2007 advertising online had drastically changed due to considerably increase in the time spent online. As people started to spend their time more on web, Brands were forced to a make serious appearance online.
How it works?
When an advert appears online many of us feel that it clutters and skip adverts, due to this factor many marketers feel that online advertising is completely brutal. Let’s think for a while, in a highly sophisticated world where interactive televisions are one-upmanship with traditional and other forms, People skip, and change or stream the channel if an advert pops up in the middle of a match or a movie. Which results in the dilution of message? Whereas in Online the effect is completely different because time spent online is more than that of television (nelson survey).
One of the major comparisons between online and offline advertising is the degree to which the company versus the consumer has control over advertising exposure. Whether to buy the particular brand product or to avoid the product is generally depends upon consumers’ attitude towards that brand advertising. People see advertising as a medium, which influences their purchasing conclusions. For any particular brand to build its reputation it needs to be supported with advertising. “People in general look at the adverts for ad perceptions, ad ‘credibility’, attitude towards the advertiser, attitude towards advertising in general and mood. If the ads are creative and provide  more entertainment then there will be create an unintentional impression in public mind, which will be remembered for a long period time. Advertising is viewable only with the entertainment and information in the ad.
Online advertising provides an opportunity for brands to target with adverts in different forms with different approaches on multiple touch points, which creates a sense of remembrance. Most of the marketers perceive that their brand has got complete presence on the web and it is easy to drive the attention of the consumers with a one click advert or eye catching banner ads; which subsequently relates to the website where they can track the customers and target the new ones with the desirable content but not to forget that Advert Placement is important.
As the traditional costs to run an ad campaign on television or newspaper has become financial sky scrapers and the impact is single day or for that moment. Brands got new life line in the form of online Advertising.

Integrating digital marketing methods to raise the brand value

When I am passing through a lane in Canary wharf I came across few agencies of course they are shut coz it was half 11 in the night, ‘’don’t ask me what you are doing there?’’ Coming back to the agencies in Canary wharf many of them are of the same size and obviously they have expertise in individual methods of digital marketing like SEO, SOCIALAPS, CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT, WEBSITE AND ONLINE BUSINESS TARGETS e.t.c. As a digital marketing executive I am baffled initially and astonished to know about the fact why they were there, the same scenario continues in South and North hope others might not be exempted.
Why it is Backfiring for brands:
The average adult spends 4-6 hours of his time online (Nielsen). Brands want to get close to the customers with the help of easy interphases for maximized reach of its message. In a case if brand has all its target segments on social networking sites, then it gets ready with a FB page from a social application designer in a social agency which has expertise in designing social pages that will be followed by engagement from elsewhere, reconstructing the website with the help of few Designers, SEO from a Search engine expert and online endorsements from Advertising agency by this time brand risk the danger of losing group of its segment. As change do happen online rapidly many Brand managers reckons the fact that all the actions corresponding to the brand online have to be interlinked and done simultaneously.

It is the time for a business and brands to understand that digital marketing is not an individual medium. It is a composition of several methods for complete online solutions and for better customer reach and high return of investments. These solutions cannot be achieved by the use of single or double employments if they do so they are just short term.

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